Our chapters name was changed to: WISCONSIN BIKE PATROL; which better signified what the Chapter had evolved into, and the direction and purpose we had decided to go.

Simply being - Medical First Responders on Bikes - at ALL types of Events.

The New Organization still follows the 'basic' concepts of the National Mountain Bike Patrol, to be the 'Eyes on the Trail' (or Race Course); but the WBP has grown into an Organization with a broader vision and scope; which is: a Special Events EMS organization.

The WISCONSIN Bike Patrol started as a State Chapter of the International Mountain BikingAssociation's (IMBA) National Mountain Bike Patrol (NMBP). Originally, the Chapter followed the NMBP concept of being primarily a Mountain Bike Trails 'assistant'; which meant: watching and caring primarily for its local/State Mountain Bike trails and its users, with occasionally assisting at local/State Mountain Biking Events.

With the Chapter doing more of these different types of Events, and our Patrollers Enjoying the variety of the different Events, our reputation grew, and requests for our services became more frequent. Because of that, the Wisconsin Chapter Patrollers felt the need to change, and Advance, its program beyond IMBA's 'basic' concept. Therefore, the Wisconsin Chapter of the IMBA NMBPatrol decided its Best option was to become an INDEPENDENT Organization, and Applied for, and was Accepted, as a Federal 501c3 Non-Profit Organization with a Public Charity Status. Its' Effective Date was March, 14, 2013; and a Board of Directors was adopted.

About Us

Over the years of assisting at many Mountain Biking Events, the Wisconsin Chapter began getting requests to assist at other types of Events. Other Event Directors, began learning about, and seeing, the Bike Patrols abilities, and quickly realized that Medical First Responders on bikes, could get to the injured faster and easier than most other EMS units they called, or had on standby; AND that the Bike Patrollers could handle, effectively, most of the injuries on site. They also realized the 'visualization', along with abilities of the Bike Patrol at their Event, made their Event safer, and look more impressive and professional!